Gaslesings aan die Universiteit Wenen
In die Nederlande en België was daar nog altyd ´n tradisie, in mindere of meerdere mate, van kontak tussen Nederlands- en Afrikaanssprekendes op akademiese en kulturele vlakke. Vanaf 1994 het die belangstelling egter ook na Middel- en Oos-Europa uitgebrei. Alhoewel dit op ´n veel minder intensiewe vlak as in Wes-Europa gebeur, is die talle navorsingsbesoeke en gaslesings aan die verskillende lande opvallend. Ek neem die Universiteit Wenen as getuigskrif vir hierdie tendens.
Ek berig alleen van besoekers aan die Nederlandiste terwyl ingedagte gehou moet word dat daar ook talle besoeke aan ander departemente en ook aan die Universiteit Salzbug plaasgevind het.
Nou moes ek egter die lesingssaal se deur agter my toetrek. Tog is Afrikaans se stem nog nie stil in Oostenryk nie. Hierdie webwerf is nog steeds aktief en word binnekort deel van die Afrikaans Tiptop Taalreeks as Kortpad-Praatjies I binnekort verskyn. Dié werkboek volg op die hakke van die grammatikagids, Kortpad-Afrikaans. Elektroniese stemopnames help dan met die oefen van Afrikaanse klanke, woorde en dialoë. Hou die openingsblad dop vir die aankondiging.
Heike Gehring
Heike Gehring
In November 2015 besoek Heike Gehring die Weense studente.
Die titel van haar lesing: Shifting identities: Afrikaans theater in a post-1994 South African context
"With the country's new freedom came a crisis of identity. No longer could the world be divided into the good (opponents of apartheid) and the bad (proponents of apartheid), clear lines began to blur and with the blurring came uncertainty."
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Heike is a senior lecturer at the Drama Department of Rhodes University where she teaches Acting, Voice Studies and Contemporary Performance, as well as theoretical courses. Apart from her role as lecturer, she is has fulfilled a managerial function as director of the Rhodes Theatre complex from 2008 – 2014. For this she has been awarded with a Rhodes University merit award for outstanding work. Apart from lecturing, she is involved as theatre maker in the capacity of creator, director and producer. For this she has won several awards, amongst them the Sanlam Prize for Afrikaans Theatre (SPAT), in the categories Best Director and Best Production and the Rhodes Women of The Year Award for her contribution to the performing arts in 2006. Recently she has been a guest lecturer at various international universities, mainly teaching on aspects of South African theatre. Although she is a lecturer, she is currently completing her PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies.
Prof. Fransjohan Pretorius
Prof. Fransjohan Pretorius is die brein agter 'n dokumentêr met ´n vars benadering oor die Anglo-Boere-Oorlog (1899-1902)
Prof. Fransjohan Pretorius
Op 5 Desember 2012 is die Universiteit Wenen se Afdeling vir Nederlandistiek die gashere van Prof. Fransjohan Pretorius.
The title was: The Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) and its Consequences for South Africa - a Rich source for Literature. Who is prof. Pretorius?
- He is not only a television personality in South Africa but also Professor of History at the University of Pretoria.
- He is known as a foremost authority on the Anglo-Boer War. He has written and edited eight books on the topic, most of which appeared in both English and Afrikaans
- His knowlegde in this regard is also compiled in a television series on this subject with the title, “verskroeide aarde” of “scoarced earth”.
- He is author of numerous other books and articles and has received several awards for his work in the field of history.
- Professor Pretorius has given papers at conferences and academic institutions in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the USA, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Spain and Greece.
- He served on the Board of the South African Academy for Science and Art and chaired the History Commission of that institution.
- He was chair for the National Research Foundation’s Assessment Panel for South African academics in Historical Studies (2008).
Dr. Leanna Barnard
Klink 'n glasie (ek vertel later meer)
Prof. Jacques van der Elst
Prof. Jacques van der Elst in gesprek met Weense studente en lede van FoSA (Friends of South Africa)
Prof. Jacques van der Elst
Prof Jacques van der Elst het op 31 Mei 2010´n lesing aangebied met die titel: Afrikaans in South Africa, Language, Literature, Culture. He started out as a journalist and through part time studies he completed his studies in Afrikaans. Later he completed his doctorate in the Netherlands after which he started his academic career at the University of Pietermaritzburg. Later he moved to the Northwest University at Potchefstroom. He also participated in a variety of international activities. He served as chairman or member of a long list of cultural and educational organisations in South Africa. In 2005 Prof van der Elst was electd as Head Executive of the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns (or, South African Academy for Science and Art).
Prof A. P. Brink
A.P. Brink spreek die Afrikaanse studente in Wenen toe
Belangstellendes in 'n lesing van Prof. Brink
Prof A. P. Brink
Op 9 Desember 2004 besoek prof. André Brink Wenen en bied´n gaslesing oor die onderwerp Literatuur in die Nuwe Suid-Afrika aan. Die lesing is goed deur ´n heel gemengde gehoor bestaande uit studente, dosente, belangstellende Oostenrykers en (Weense) Suid-Afrikaners ontvang.
Lees ´n mens resensies oor die werk van Brink kom mens woorde teë soos magnificent, enthralling, continuously interesting and quite wonderful. Dis woorde wat ´n hele bekvol sê oor die werk van prof. Brink maar tog is dit net die oortjies van die seekoei wanneer mens kyk na wat daartoe bygedra het dat hy vandag een van die mees gerespekteerde en veelsydigste skrywers in Suid-Afrikaanse letterkundige sirkels is.
He is novelist, playwright, travel writer, translator, literary critic, mentor, professor and polemicist. His novels have been translated into some thirty languages, including Serbo-Croatian, Japanese, isiXhosa and Vietnamese.
He was born on the 29th of May 1935 in the town of Vrede in the Free State, one of the 9 provinces of South Africa. Up to his retirement not so long ago he was professor at the University of Cape Town.
Professor Brink has twice been nominated for the prestigious Booker Award (in 1976 and in 1978) and has been on the shortlist for the Nobel Prize several times since 1979. He was awarded numerous other prizes abroad and in his home country.
His much publicised earlier novel Lobola vir die lewe (1962) represented a new direction in Afrikaans prose, a break within restrictive local traditions. His work is also associated with the role that white Afrikaans writers played during the turbulent years of the struggle against Apartheid and therefore his personal history reflects political and social consciousness. He and other leading Afrikaans writers of the sixties played a major role in resisting the harsh censorship system of apartheid times. His novel Kennis van die aand (1973) was the first book to be banned in 1974. His stories issued a direct challenge to the traditions of Afrikanerdom, it broke down taboos and repressions and criticized social structures while making aesthetic experiments in writing.
Today South Africans live in a new context, with a new set of rules. Also the Afrikaans writers find themselves in a new context. And this, then, is the topical framework within which Professor Brink addressed his audience.
Dr. Edwin Hees
Rina Loader (links) en Edwin Hees (regs) in gesprek tydens 'n filmprojek in samewerking met Afrikanistiek,
Universiteit Wenen
Dr. Edwin Hees
On 20 November 2003 the University of Vienna was so fortunate to be, in co-oporation with the department of African Studies of the University of Vienna and Friends of South Africa, the host of Dr. Edwin Hees. He was a guest lecturer at the Institute for English and American Studies in Salzburg and he also paid a visit to Vienna.
In South Africa he is senior lecturer at the Department of English at the University of Stellenbosch. On a regular basis he teaches film and South African drama courses in the Drama Department at the same university while film studies is one of his major fields of research. It was in this capacity that he discussed interesting developments in the South African film in recent years. He demonstrated his views with extracts from various films in a lecture with the title of: Nation and Narration in South African films.
What is there to be said about Edwin: According to one of his good Austrian friends, Prof. Dorothea Steiner, he is a notorious lover of Austria, of classical music, probably has one of the best collections of CD´s and video´s in SA, loves good food and a particular type of Schnaps (black cherry), is a workaholic and seems to edit and proofread for the whole English-speaking world. He never walks slowly and there is not a minute when he is not in motion of helping someone.
Op 25 November 2005 besoek dr. Hees Wenen ´n tweede keer. Dié keer praat hy oor resente ontwikkeling van drama en teater in Suid-Afrika en konsentreer op die drama "Ubu and the Truth Commission" (1997) omdat so baie van die probleme waarmee die Nuwe Suid-Afrika vandag te doen het in dié stuk in die oë gekyk word. Dit is ook´n goeie voorbeeld van kontemporêre teater in Suid-Afrika waar die multi-media gekombineer word met vrye improvisasie. Ook het hy gekyk na protesteater van die 1980`s, nl. "Woza Albert" (1980) wat eintlik die prototipe gevorm het van wat vandag bekend staan as Suid-Afrikaanse teater.
Sy lesing oor die Suid-Afrikaanse filmwêreld van die laaste 10 jaar (d.w.s. ná 1994 se demokratiese verkiesings) dui die verband aan met die vorming van nasionale identiteit. Uittreksels uit "Jump the gun" en "Mapantsula" (1988) is vir dié doel aangewend.
The development of film since 1895 is impressive and today it is an art just to be a worthwhile viewer of this medium. And with lectures of this kind we try to contribute to film literacy in general – to see better what there is to be seen.
Prof. Heilna du Plooy
Prof. Heilna du Plooy
NWU Potchefstroom
Interessante feite oor die werk en lewe van Breyten Breytenbach
Die studente en prof. Herbert van Uffelen luister na die indrukwekkende lewensverhaal van Breytenbach
Prof. Heilna du Plooy (Noordwes Universiteit) besoek Leiden in Februarie tot Mei 2003. Sy is ´n spesialis in kontemporêre Afrikaans en Nederlandse letterkunde en 'n digteres van twee digbundels onder die titels Die donker is nooit leeg nie (1997) en In die landskap ingelyf (2003).
Haar besoek aan Oostenryk is voorafgegaan deur gasvoordragte in België, Amerika en Kanada.
By die Salzburg Universiteit neem sy op 30 April 2003 deel aan ´n privatisimum (seminaar vir doktorale studente) in die English-American Studies Department as gas van prof. Dorothea Steiner. Sy praat oor die tema: Marked by voilence: J.M. Coetzee.
Sy het ´n sagte plekkie vir´n storie. Epiese gedigte is haar lieflingsgebied. Afrikaanse letterkunde is egter haar speelgrond soos geillustreer in die gaslesings wat sy aan die Universiteit van Leiden aangebied het onder die tema Herskrywing van Identiteit en geskiedenis in die resente Afrikaanse letterkunde.
Op 5 Mei 2003 deel sy haar kennis van Breyten Breytenbach met die Afrikaanse studente aan die Universiteit van Wenen - ´n lesing wat ook deur ander belangstellendes in en om Wenen bygewoon word.
Die tema: Breyten Breytenbach: Beleefde en geskrewe meervoudigheid.
Weereens is die Oostenrykers gelukkig om uit hierdie kontak met Suid-Afrika voordeel te trek.
Prof. Hennie van Coller
Prof. van Coller is ´n kenner op die gebied van grensliteratuur in Suid-Afrika
Die alombekende Perspektief en Profiel het byvoorbeeld onder prof. Van Coller se leiding gestalte gekry.
Prof. Hennie van Coller van die Universiteit van Bloemfontein tree vanaf Februarie tot einde Mei 2003 in die Katolieke Universiteit van Leuven as besondere gasdosent op.
In dié tydperk besoek hy Oostenryk en op 28 Mei 2003 lewer hy ´n voordrag by die Universiteit van Wenen, Afdeling Nederlandistiek oor: Grensliteratuur in de Afrikaanse letterkunde: literair-historisch en ideologisch bekeken.
n Suid-Afrika is prof. van Coller hoof van die Departement Afrikaans, Nederlands en moderne Europese tale aan die Universiteit van Bloemfontein.
Hy is wydbelese met talle publikasies uit sy pen. Die alombekende Perspektief en Profiel het byvoorbeeld onder sy leiding gestalte gekry.
Met sy tipiese entoesiasme het hy 'n nuwe visie vir die studente in Oos-Europa op Afrikaanse literatuur oopgesluit.