Wat is ´n kukumakranka of koekemakranka? Dis ´n bedreigde plant in Suid-Afrika wat al baie lank deur die Khoikhoi as maagmedisyne gebruik word. Omdat dit so geurig is, is dit ook 'n lekker parfuum. Die blommetjies is wit tot ligpienk en groei direk uit die grond uit so teen Kersfees se tyd. In die winter steek blare kopuit en die plant dra dan vrugte wat aan piesangs herinner. Koekemakrankabrandewyn was nie onbekend onder die Kaapse setlaars nie.

Renata Coetzee recently received an honorary doctorate from the University of the North for her lifetime’s research into the eating cultures of the indigenous peoples of South Africa. In this book she has teamed up with photographer Volker Miros to examine the centuries-old culture of the Khoi by looking not only at their traditional foods, but other aspects of way of life: their clothing, dwellings music, with even a description of how their grass huts are made. She discusses the various plants used as food, many of which are now endangered, and describes how to plant a ‘veldkos’ garden.She concludes with recipes using these traditional foods in a modern kitchen. Beautifully illustrated with a wealth of colour photographs, this is a valuable addition to our cultural literature. At present the book is available in Afrikaans only, but an English translation will be published later.(From: vhttp://slowfoodcapetown.co.za/documents/newsletters/april10.htm)

Die rieldansers

Kyk na die volgende skakel na YouTube en deel in die genot van die rieldansers. Dit is 'n dans afkomstig van die San en die Khoi. Die tiende ATKV-Rieldansfinaal het op 5 Desember 2015 in die Paarl plaasgevind waar verskillende spanne met mekaar meegeding het.